Setting up and Customizing Windows Terminal

If you are using any sort of command line interface while in Windows, check out Windows Terminal. It is a highly customizable terminal emulator that can do anything you want it do. You can have tabbed terminals running PowerShell, WSL Bash, cloud SSH, and...
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Verified GitHub Commits using GPG Keys

If you have ever created a new GitHub repository directly from their web interface, you might have noticed that the first commit you made has a special verified tag attached to it. The same tag doesn't show up for commits made locally. However, it'll be...
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How to Setup Android SDK on WSL

After I have discovered the wonder called VS Code, I have been hooked to it. It's my goto editor for any project now. The convenience of having file browsing, editing with plethora of extensions, integrated terminal, and on top of that the existence of...
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Colored Logging in Python

Recently I have started working on a python module which can help me in downloading historical stock data using my broker's web APIs. This is the first time I have actually working on writing a proper python package. Usually I have used python till now...
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SVN Checkout Error [svn: E120106: ra_serf:]

While at work today, I had to download source code of some open source project for evaluation. However, the source code was not hosted on GitHub but in SVN. Now if you are like me, you also probably have no idea how to use SVM. I know that it is some sort...
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