A Super Helpful Shortcut to Add and Commit to Git at the Same Time
More often than not, I work with a very simple Git workflow. Especially for my personal projects where I'm the sole contributor. Where I do not have something that does not need to be tracked, except for of course whatever I have put in .gitigonre
It's usually goes something like this...
Make changes in local repo
Add all changes to Git tracker
git add -A
Commit changes
git commit -m "Some commit message"
What if I Could do Both at the Same Time #
That is a nice thought.
But unfortunately, Git does not have such a command.
However, there are ways you can add it to your workflow.
By using the powerful Git aliases.
Simply add a new alias which combined both got commands into a new aliased command as follows
git config --global alias.add-commit '!git add -A && git commit -m'
Here, add-commit
is the new alias and you can now add all changes commit them at the same time as follows
git add-commit "Some commit message"
Caveat for Windows #
If you are on Windows, the alias adding command will fail with a very unhelpful "help" message. It won't tell you what went wrong, except for printing the whole help menu for git config
The solution?
As silly as it is, just use double quote instead of single ones to wrap the alias as follows
git config --global alias.add-commit "!git add -A && git commit -m"
That's all!